
Featured Resource Pages

The following pages are highlighted as useful resources for educators.

Click here for Medieval Meets Modern
Click here for Medieval Meets Modern
Medieval Academy of America
For the Tool Talks featured on the Medieval Academy of America Online Teaching Webinar, search "Teaching with Digital Tools."
Orange and white logo of Princeton University Library

Princeton University Library MAFE Series

Click here for resources featuring Princeton-based scholars and medieval items from the Princeton University Library.


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Use the filters below to search by century, era, geography, type of resource, and other topics of interest to students of the medieval past.

Click the numbered pages at the bottom of this page to browse all content.


Introduction to Zoroastrian Manuscripts
Video Primary Sources

Skjærvø, Prods Oktor. The Spirit of Zoroastrianism. New Haven & London: Yale University Press, 2011.

The Multimedia Yasna:

Further Reading

Boyce, Mary. Zoroastrians: Their Religious Beliefs…

World Epics

This collaborative website is devoted to epics from across the globe, including epic narratives in theatrical dramatizations, puppetry arts, music, visual art, and film. It aims likewise to showcase websites and teaching resources developed by colleagues featuring both oral and literary epics, from the ancient world to today.


Where are the Romans? What Attila's War Reveals about Barbarian Integration in the Late Roman Empire

This video covers several issues regarding the assimilation of non-Romans into the late Roman military. Attila the Hun's 451 invasion, climaxing in the Battle of the Catalaunian Plains (Chalons), is used as a case study of these phenomenona.


Browse resources, news, updates useful for teaching in medieval studies at the undergraduate, secondary, and elementary school level through the provision of resources and the sharing of techniques.