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Jewish Life in the Middle Ages Special Series

Learn from world-renowned scholars about the daily lives and cultural traditions of Jewish people in the Middle Ages.


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Princeton University Library MAFE Series

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The Vanished Synagogues of Medieval Spain

This video discusses the importance of synagogues to Jewish life in medieval Spain and explains why only a few of these buildings have survived to the present day. It shows that despite Christian authorities’ efforts to restrict the construction of new synagogues, many Jewish communities in Spain found ways to circumvent these prohibitions. The video focuses on the synagogues of Seville, where Archdeacon Ferrán Martínez’s campaign to demolish local Jewish places of worship paved the way for the anti-Jewish riots of 1391 and the conversion of Seville’s synagogues into churches. One of these churches, Santa María la Blanca, conceals the remnants of the medieval synagogue underneath its baroque-period plasterwork.   

Jewish Women in Medieval England

This video provides a context for understanding Jewish life in medieval England, and examines the lives of several Jewish women living there in the thirteenth century. Documents prepared for English administration on behalf of the crown provide glimpses into the activities of these women, many of whom were successful and active members of their communities.

A Second Queen Esther: The Origin Myth of Jews in Medieval Poland

This video examines the myth of the medieval Polish Queen Esther, a story which became popular in 18th- and 19th-century literature. The myth was used to explain how Jews came to reside in Polish lands. The presentation focuses on the first known record of this second Queen Esther, found in Jan Długosz’ 15th century Chronicle of Poland. The story offers a brief view of tensions between Jews and Christians in 15th Century Poland, and further acts as an entry point for understanding how scholars can use chronicles as historical sources.

Society for Armenian Studies Podcast

Listen to a podcast with the latest reviews on books and advancements in the field of Armenian Studies.

North of Byzantium

Explore the rich history, art, and culture of the northern frontiers of the Byzantine Empire in Eastern Europe between the thirteenth and seventeenth centuries.

Mapping Eastern Europe

Access content about the history of Eastern Europe in the form of historical overviews, art historical case studies, short notices about ongoing research projects, and reviews of recent books and exhibitions. 


Browse resources, news, updates useful for teaching in medieval studies at the undergraduate, secondary, and elementary school level through the provision of resources and the sharing of techniques.